Chris Wilker spent over 25 years in the environmental industry, with a focus on clean air and water technologies applied to residential, commercial and industrial market segments. He has experience in sales and marketing management, product development and manufacturing operations. Chris has experience as President-GM doing company turnarounds and technology start-ups.
The business methods and techniques Chris Wilker used to drive improved bottom line results are:
» Business process reengineering.
Utilizing his 80/20 SSM System Chris will show you how these focused processes can double your bottom line in less than 12 months! By Segmenting your products and customers, Simplifying your front and back end process flow and measuring everything- operating profits will increase.
» New product introduction.
Chris Wilker, through his decades of experience in product development and new technology start ups, has developed a disciplined, stage gate process to ensure new products are delivered on-time, on budget –AND- hit the target customer deliverables.
» Sales Management.
Chris has led several international sales and marketing teams to achieve record sales growth in multiple channels of distribution. Sales and marketing leadership is more important today than ever. Re-creating the traditional view of sales and sales management is necessary to ensure return on sales capital invested. Using key customer contact techniques that focus the entire organization to “HUG” your top customers will not only grow your top line, it will improve your operating profits as well.